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2016-2017 State Project Donations

Virtual Memorial-Tribute Wall 

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In Honor of

Emily Wagner,

Erin Moore, Shelby Putnam

Donated by

Eleanor Wilson Society, C.A.R. &

Nation Ford Chapter DAR

via The Wagner Family

In Memory of

Private James Waldrop

8 Feb 1751, VA - 3 Dec 1846, Fayette Co, GA

Revolutionary War Patriot

Donated by the

James Waldrop Chapter, NSDAR

Fayetteville, GA

In Memory of

Capt. Henry Walton

1756, VA - bef 13 Sept 1813,  Greenville Co, VA

Revolutionary War Patriot

Donated by the

Henry Walton Chapter, NSDAR

Madison, GA

The Georgia State Society C.A.R. Website is dedicated to the memory of

Mr. Charles Hall, Sr. (1951-2009).  Mr. Hall was a loyal supporter of our Society and our first webmaster!

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