Georgia State Society
National Society of the Children of the American Revolution
Growing Today's Youth Leaders for Tomorrow's Challenges!

2016-2017 State Project Donations
Virtual Memorial-Tribute Wall
In Honor of
Rachel Fitzgerald
Martha Stewart Bulloch Society’s
1st GSSCAR State President!
Donated by
Martha Stewart Bulloch Society
In Honor of
Rachel Fitzgerald
2016-2017 State President, GSSCAR
Thank You for Your Service!
Donated by
Eagles of Liberty Society
In Honor of
Our Granddaughter
Rachel M. Fitzgerald
Donated by
Roger S & Carol E Austin
In Memory of
Benjamin Fitzpatrick
1746 VA - 1824, Buckhead, GA
Morgan County, GA Pioneer
Members of the
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Society, N.S.C.A.R.
In Honor of
Rachel Fitzgerald &
Kathryn Schemine
Donated by
Eleanor Wilson Society, C.A.R. &
Nation Ford Chapter DAR
via The Wagner Family
In Honor of
Rachel Fitzgerald
Donated by
Patriots of Liberty
Alpharetta, GA

In Loving Memory of
Talmadge Brooks Frederick
WWII Veteran &
Our Great-Grandfather
Donated by the Frederick Kids,
Members of Benjamin Fitzpatrick Society
In Honor of
Abby Garnett
Donated by
Mallory & Taylor Boyd
Members of the
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Society
In Memory
Catherine Cleveland Harrison
Donated by the
John Benson Chapter, NSDAR
Hartwell, GA
In honor of
Julie Hobbs
Senior GSSCAR State Treasurer,
with much love and appreciation
for all of your help and support!
GSSCAR Kids and Parents
In Honor of Society President
Rapley Hills
Martha Stewart Bulloch Society
on a Very Successful
Window Decal Fundraiser!
In Memory
Benjamin Hazen
Patriot, Revolutionary War
Donated by
Bee & Mike Ruff

In Honor of
Eric Johnstone
Personal Bike-A-Thon for
the Liberty’s Joy State Project
"Biking For Those Who Can’t”
In Honor of
Annelle Jones
Charter REgent
Patriots of Liberty Chapter, NSDAR
Alpharetta, GA