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2016-2017 State Project Donations

Virtual Memorial-Tribute Wall 

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In Honor of the Birthday of

Tammra Baker

Our Awesome

Senior Society President

Donated by Members of the

Martha Stewart Bulloch Society

In Honor of

The Baker Family

Jeff, Tammra, Tyler, Ryan,

Devyn & Alexis

We support

the  Liberty’s Joy State Project!


In  Memory of

Nellie Smith Baldwin

with Much Love from

Your Granddaughter


Celebrating & SUPPORTING


Button Gwinnett Society, N.S.C.A.R.

In Honor of

Martha Stewart Bulloch Society, N.S.C.A.R

We support

the  Liberty’s Joy State Project!

In Honor of
Button Gwinnett Society, N.S.C.A.R.

Augustin Clayton Chapter, NSDAR

we support the LIBERTY'S JOY

State Project

Celebrating & Honoring

Camp Twin Lakes 


with much love & appreciation

for your dedication & Support of

CTL's Mission!

Celebrating & SUPPORTING

Chestatee River Chapter, NSDAR

Cumming, GA

In Memory of His Grandparents

Jack & Jackie Collins

Proudly Donated by

William Jackson Tims

of the

Martha Stewart Bulloch Society

In  Loving Memory  &  

with grateful Appreciation of

Marie Derry DeLamar

Rest in Peace - 2016

C.A.R. Supporter Extraordinaire

Thronateeska Society, NSCAR

In Memory of

Elisha Ely

1730 - 1786

Revolutionary War Veteran.

Surgeon's Mate

in Colonel Parson's

10th Continental Regiment, 1776.

The Georgia State Society C.A.R. Website is dedicated to the memory of

Mr. Charles Hall, Sr. (1951-2009).  Mr. Hall was a loyal supporter of our Society and our first webmaster!

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